Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Bio:Martin Salter

Hi im Martin Salter Im A Senior at Santa Barbara High School im also in the Visual Arts and Design Academy . This is my second year doing the teen internship program at the Art Museum . I enjoy doing Many different kinds of mediums from free hand drawing to sculpture . I am looking forward to getting some feed back on art to be posted in the future.

1 comment:

tamayo said...

Hi martin, I agree with you, I can´t wait to see what the future will bring us. This sort of comunication is new for me and everyday I discover an amazing technologic advance, . If you like all these stuffs, you have to find out a mexican artist called Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, He´s a great international creative who appear in "Fresh cream 3" and other art books.

And it´s true, We´re like a huge family, the art family, sometimes you hate to your uncle, falling in love with your girl cousin or fight with your father, but at the end ít´s your family.
